This is the GO-TO source for all of your information needs related to the Army Combat Uniform, whether you serve in a State Defense Force or active duty U.S. Army. We are always in the process of collecting the latest guides, rules and regulations from every component, and break it down for you into easily understandable parts so you can wear your uniform with confidence.

Army Combat Uniform Guide

Army Combat Uniform Guide ThumbnailThe first place to start is with our Guide to the Army Combat Uniform. In this comprehensive guide, we show you the Army's regulations and then explain what they mean and how to be compliant. 
Click here to open the Army Combat Uniform Guide.

Rules and Regulations

Army Regulation 670-1 is the source for all rules and requirements for wear of the Army Combat Uniform. The DA PAM 670-1 provides instructions on the regulations found in the AR 670-1 and describes the items contained in the regulations.

AR 670-1 26-JAN-2021 U.S. Army Regulation 670-1 - Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia

DA PAM 670-1 26-JAN-2021

Department of the Army Pamphlet 670-1 - Guide to the Wear and Appearance of

Sizing Guides

For size and fitting information for each of the components of the Army Combat Uniform, click the links below:

Component Specific Uniform Regulations

Different states wear different uniforms. We are doing our best to collect Uniform Guides from every active State Defense Force. If you don't see your state, help us collect the guide by emailing info@sd-supply.com. These publications are provided by the specific components, and SD Supply has no responsibility for creating, maintaining, editing or enforcing these rules or regulations.

Click on the document image or title to open in a new browser window.

Utility Uniform - NYGD 1334.2New York Guard - Utility Uniform - NYGD 1334.2






OHMR 670-1Ohio Military Reserve - OHMR 670-1
