Army Combat Uniform Boots

ACU Guide| Composition of the ACU| ACU Boots


The standard Army Combat Uniform Boots are coyote tan boots made with suede lowers and fabric (nylon) uppers. The soles must be rubber or polyether polyurethane. Boots must be laced and tied with the excess lace tucked or wrapped around the top of the boot and the trousers will be worn bloused above the boots.

ACU Boot

Commercially available boots, like the Propper Series 100 8" boot, which meet the AR 670-1 requirements, fall under what the DA PAM 670-1 classifies as Optional Boots. This is only intended to draw a distinction between boots that are issued to U.S. Army soldiers and boots that are available for purchase by service members. For the purposes of State Defense Force members, commercially available boots that are AR 670-1 compliant satisfy the uniform requirements.

See the Description section below for specific materials and construction requirements for boots to meet AR 670-1 requirements.

Summary of the DA PAM 670-1 Guidelines Regarding Boots

  • The boots are laced diagonally with the excess lace tucked into the top of the boot under the bloused trousers or slacks or wrapped around the top of the boot.
  • When worn, the trousers or slacks are bloused (tucked-in or by the use of blousing rubbers or bands). When the trousers or slacks are bloused properly, the bloused portion of the trousers or slacks will not extend below the third eyelet from the top of the boot. Soldiers will not blouse boots so that the bloused portion extends down to the ankle area of the boot.
  • Sewn-in or laced-in zipper or hook-and-loop inserts are not authorized for wear with the Army Combat Uniform. 
  • Metal cleats and side tabs are not authorized for wear, except by honor guards and ceremonial units in the performance of ceremonial duties.
  • In general, plain-toed boots are the only boots that are authorized for wear; steel-toed or rigid-toed boots are not authorized except under certain conditions. Some specialty MOS's may require boots with reinforced toes.

Exceptions to the standard ACU boot regulations fall under section c. Organizational Boots and apply to specific MOSs, jobs or special duty assignments. Consult with your Chain of Command if any organizational footwear is required. Some specialty MOS's, such as tankers, may require boots that use leather strapping instead of laces for safety; these are considered Organizational Boots.

DA PAM 670-1 20–5. Boots

a. Boots, combat, coyote, leather. The Army combat boots (hot weather) are clothing bag issue items.
(1) Description. The issue Army combat boots (hot weather) are made of coyote-colored, flesh-side out cattlehide leather and nylon duck upper, removable cushioned insert, a closed-loop speed lace system, and drainage eyelets. Soldiers are required to possess two pairs of Army combat boots [SDF members are encouraged to own two pairs].
(2) How worn.
(a) The boots are laced diagonally. The color of the bootlaces will match the color of the boot, with the excess lace tucked into the top of the boot under the bloused trousers or slacks or wrapped around the top of the boot. Metal or plastic cleats and side tabs are not authorized for wear. Sewn-in or laced-in zipper or hook-and-loop inserts are not authorized.
(b) Rubber or pure polyether polyurethane soles are the only outsole material that currently meets the need for durability and traction on surfaces in multiple environments and temperature ranges. Other materials that may be of a lighter weight may have significant problems in these areas.
b. Optional boots. As an option, Soldiers may wear jungle combat boots, commercial boots of a design similar to that of the Army combat boot (coyote), and the combat leather boot (black with ASU and brown with AGSU), as authorized by the commander. Soldiers may wear optional boots in lieu of Army combat boots (coyote), as authorized by the commander. However, they do not replace issue boots as a mandatory possession item [does not apply to SDF members].
(1) Description.
(a) The boots must be between 8 to 10 inches in height and made of coyote-colored, flesh-side out cattlehide leather with a plain toe and a soling system matching the color of the coyote upper materials. Rubber and polyether polyurethane are the only outsole materials that are authorized. The soling materials will not exceed 2 inches in height when measured from the bottom of the outsole and will not extend up the back of the heel or boot or over the top of the toe. The exterior of the boot upper will not contain mesh, but will be constructed of all leather or a combination of leather and nonmesh fabric.
(b) The combat leather boot is made of leather with a deep lug tread sole made of vulcanized rubber, a removable cushioned insert, a closed-loop speed lace system, and a leather padded collar. A vulcanized rubber sole is the only outsole material that currently meets the need for durability and traction on surfaces. Other materials that may be of a lighter weight may have significant problems in these areas.
(2) How worn.
(a) The black leather combat boots are worn with the ASU [only applies to the Army Service Uniform].
(b) The brown leather combat boots are worn with the AGSU [only applies to the Army Green Service Uniform].
(c) Only Soldiers authorized to wear the tan, green, or maroon berets; MP personnel performing MP duties; and those assigned to air assault coded positions may wear combat boots. When worn, the trousers or slacks are bloused (tucked-in or by the use of blousing rubbers or bands). When trousers or slacks are bloused, personnel will not wrap them around the leg so tightly so as to present a pegged appearance. When the trousers or slacks are bloused properly, the bloused portion of the trousers or slacks will not extend below the third eyelet from the top of the boot. Soldiers will not blouse boots so that the bloused portion extends down to the ankle area of the boot.
(d) The boots are laced diagonally with the excess lace tucked into the top of the boot under the bloused trousers or slacks or wrapped around the top of the boot. Metal cleats and side tabs are not authorized for wear, except by honor guards and ceremonial units in the performance of ceremonial duties. When metal cleats and side tabs are authorized for wear, commanders will furnish them to Soldiers at no cost. Sewn-in or laced-in zipper inserts are not authorized.
(e) Optional boots are not authorized for wear when the commander issues and prescribes standard organizational footwear for safety or environmental reasons, such as insulated boots or safety shoes. Personnel may wear specialty boots authorized for wear by specific groups of Soldiers, such as the tanker boot, only if the commander authorizes such wear. Soldiers may not wear optional boots in formation when uniformity in appearance is required [does not apply to SDF members generally].
c. Organizational boots. When prescribed and issued by the commander according to CTA 50–900, personnel may wear organizational boots, such as temperate boots or safety boots, with field and utility uniforms.


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