ACU Coat Fitting Guide
The DA PAM 670-1 4-8 b. specifies how the ACU coat should be worn:
The coat should fit easily over chest or bust and shoulders, allowing free use of arms without discomfort. Coat fronts should be smooth and even at the bottom edges. Bottom edge of the coat must extend to the crotch near the top of the trouser’s cargo pocket flap.
SD-Supply offers the full catalog of sizes for the ACU-Female uniforms. Females may choose to wear either male or female sizes, depending on their body types, but the female sizes are different to accommodate the female bust, and use different measurements than the standard male ACU sizes.
DA PAM 670-1 4-7 o. The ACU–female is an authorized alternate ACU designed in a wider range of sizes. If worn, it must have the same general appearance and fit as prescribed for the ACU.
Reference the Sizing Charts below when choosing your size. The first chart is the standard ACU Size Chart. The second chart is the Women's ACU Size Chart. The standard ACU Size Chart also applies to the Improved Hot Weather Combat Uniform, which may be worn by males and females, but is only available in male sizes. If you don't know your measurements, reference the image below the charts for how to get your measurements.